Friday, July 30, 2010

Juraka Park

Our uncle had told us that the above park was "hidden" but we managed to find it :)

That's Lucas, my little brother. We're pretty much twins, that are just 3 years apart.


Idk, it doesn't have a theme

I'm not sure what these things are called, but my neighbor grows them.

Crows along Mayflower Drive

I saw this lovely creature and grabbed my camera and took a few quick shots.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fun with black and white

Gia loves to say that her hair is "so long and beautiful" and mine is "short." Gee, thanks Gia...;)

Charlotte decided to visit me and make a little web.

Gia and Vincent

Gia is about to turn 5. She enjoys Barbie and making messes.

I love his hair



Read me a story, read me a rhyme

Morning today consisted of coffee, reading children story books and the "Daily Gazette".

My mother

Vincent, reading about Moe Monster and all the sounds he hears.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Vincent is the youngest in our clan. He loves to talk and sing.

Leo the (cowardly) Lion

Leo, my 2nd youngest brother, has a passion for: video games, King Kong, and Star Wars.

You would think he's the calm and quiet kid, but he's not. He has the WORST temper. Like it's bad.